NSTC Biosciences Forum presents:
Safety, Savings, and Sustainability: How filtration is fundamentally changing the way we design labs by protecting breathing zones throughout the chemical's lifecycle and beyond.
Join us for a unique opportunity to visit the showroom of a local company making a difference in the health and safety of our lab environments! Located conveniently in Route 1 in Rowley, MA, Erlab showcases their line of ductless fume hoods and other air filtration products! Come meet the team and see how these products can make a difference in your lab.
This innovative technology supports the lab environment in a sustainable, flexible way, allowing labs to ensure the best air quality while maintaining the ability to "take it with you when you go" - something current fume hood users typically can't do. For fast growing companies, or companies on the move, these self-contained units offer lab users a choice in fume hood, flammable cabinet and air filtration solutions.
Our Speaker: Jesse Coiro, General Manager @ Erlab, Inc:
Jesse has over 25 years of experience providing solutions to increase safety within the biopharma, pharmaceutical, medical device, and educational markets, with his specialty being focused on air filtration solutions for the protection of personnel, facilities, and the environment. Jesse’s body of work includes USP <797> and <800> compliance strategies, the development of sterile preparation and processing strategies, and Environmental monitoring for aseptic processing. Along with his body of work in the healthcare sector, Jesse has been an advocate for IAQ improvements. Working with the IAQA and ASHRAE to help establish guidelines on acceptable indoor air quality improvements for virus mitigation while advocating for establishing IAQ standards.
About Erlab: There is no hiding the cost of operating, constructing, or renovating a laboratory. From the expenditure of construction (CapEx) to the operational cost (OpEx), the burden of laboratories on a facility is significant. Though there have been innovative ways to reduce costs, most ad complexities and added maintenance. Most of these challenges come from the traditional ducted chemical fume hood that consumes an excessive amount of energy and contributes to the re-entrainment of hazardous exhaust or chemical emissions, adding to significant amounts of pollution released into the atmosphere.
During this discussion, we will peel back the layers of these complexities and solutions by presenting real-world case studies on how ductless filtering fume hoods have been the lynchpin to facilities achieving LEED or even Zero Net Energy (ZNE). Equally as important to understanding the solutions available is understanding the safety behind filtration technology, the standards that must be complied with, and how filtration is validated based on the unique demands of each laboratories chemical handling.